Archives: WPB Portfolios

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Blast Design

By jarrod

Blast design of non-structural fixtures and services within airports and rail stations seeks to minimise fragmentation and associated injuries in a blast event.  KUSCH provide expertise in the design of non-structural fixtures, building services, ceilings and partitions for blast loads, utilising advanced modeling and analysis. Project examples include:  Design of glass balustrading for blast impulse…

Fire Performance of Structures

By jarrod

Fire safety isn’t just about compliance—it’s about protecting lives and minimising risk. At KUSCH, we provide expert design for structural elements and services, ensuring they meet passive fire protection requirements while remaining practical and cost-effective. 🔹 Fire-Rated Service Supports – We design structural supports that maintain fire integrity without compromising performance.🔹 Prefabricated Fire Solutions –…

Product Development

By jarrod

KUSCH have assisted numerous manufacturers with the research, testing and development of construction products and systems, including:  Composite carbon fiber-aluminium beam systems for light-weight large-span structural framing Load-rating and dynamic testing of seismic cable brace systems Development of cantilever post systems for seismic bracing of services in congested spaces Rating and testing of metal duct…

Concrete Anchor Design

By jarrod

Building services are required by the NCC to be designed and installed to resist structural loads, and the most common way they are connected to the building is via concrete anchors.  The structural performance of concrete anchors is impacted by numerous factors that need to be considered, and the NCC now mandates a specific standard…

Seismic, Wind & Gravity Design of Building Services

By neilMccorkell

Building services are termed ‘non-structural elements’, and yet the NCC still requires them to be designed and installed to perform acceptably under a variety of structural loads. While gravity loads are relatively well managed, but the impact of wind and earthquake loads are not well understood and are often overlooked. KUSCH specialise in the structural…