Archives: WPB Portfolios

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Design of lifting equipment

By jarrod

Transportation & lifting generates complex loads that must be considered in the structural design KUSCH has experience designing custom lifting equipment, or reviewing equipment for structural integrity prior to lifting Our priority is ensuring safety, efficiency, and durability, all while meeting industry standards. At the University of Queensland, the glasshouses destined for the roof wer…

Design for Vibration

By jarrod

Designing for vibration in building services is crucial to maintain structural integrity, operational efficiency, and occupant comfort. KUSCH is experienced in vibration isolating systems and analysing equipment for vibration.

Fatigue Analysis

By jarrod

Fatigue failure occurs in materials subjected to repeated or cyclic loading over time, leading to the gradual weakening and eventual fracture of the material Designing your equipment and structural supports for fatigue will ensure they will meet and exceed the required service life KUSCH has completed fatigue design for services on large infrastructure projects, lifting…

VIC Roads Highway Amenities

By jarrod

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Prefabricated Services Bridge

By jarrod

Location: Melbourne, Victoria Client: AG Coombs Scope: KUSCH was engaged by AG Coombs to design a prefabricated pipe bridge to support services travelling between the new central energy building and the main production facility of a large pharmaceutical facility.   Design Achievements: Prefabrication allowed the structure and services to be installed within a day. Significant…