Archives: WPB Portfolios

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By jarrod

One of the oldest construction methods known to man, masonry construction can provide impressive durability, but also significant risks if built without adequate design and detailing. Well known performance issues include:   Fragility under seismic loads: due to its brittle nature, masonry buildings and building elements are susceptible to damage when subjected to earthquake actions Cracking:…

Lifts and Escalators

By jarrod

KUSCH offers expertise in the structural design and certification of lifts and escalators for the design loads , adhering to the NCC, AS1170.4 and applicable building codes. Collaborating closely with lift and escalator suppliers, we ensure installations meet AS1170.4 compliance standards through our extensive experience in the field.


By jarrod

Cold-rooms are typically constructed using insulated panels, which comprise of a foam layer bonded to two metal sheets, and offer many benefits including: Excellent thermal properties Fast installation Fire rated performance can be achieved with certain foams Good structural properties Like other ‘non-structural’ elements, the NCC requires that cold-rooms be designed to resist the loads…

Access Platforms & Balustrading

By jarrod

Access platforms and balustrading must be designed to accommodate the design loading detailed in AS1170 parts 0, 1, 2 and 4, and AS1657. This can include crowd or blast loading, particularly in public spaces such as sports centers and public transport infrastructure KUSCH are experienced in the structural design of access platforms, and can incorporate…

Ceilings & Partitions

By jarrod

Ceilings and partitions pose a risk to building occupants if not properly designed by a structural engineer, as they are susceptible to collapse under rare earthquake or wind events AS2785 contains the design requirements for suspended ceilings in Australia, and the loading scenarios the ceilings must be able to accommodate KUSCH works alongside designers to…